There are many reasons to wear a brace:
Playing sports such as tennis and golf or being a baseball pitcher, a hockey or soccer goalie, or a football quarterback can be hard on joints and bones, especially with bad form or overuse. Athletes will often wear a brace to prevent overextension of the wrist or prevent injury.
Stocking shelves requires a great deal of repetitive movement, from opening to moving and lifting heavy objects. This repetition can cause a lot of strain on your wrists. Stock workers generally wear preventative braces so that an injury does not happen.
Playing video games is quite commonplace. Again, when playing video games, a lot of repetitive motion happens. Gamers can get so caught up in their game playing that they forget to take breaks. This repetitive motion can cause problems with your wrist.
Many people in an office will often complete work that requires repeated motions with their hands. Typing, manipulating a mouse, or filing papers are tasks a person working in an office may have to perform.
If you have experienced a prior wrist injury, you may want to consider wearing a brace to prevent further injury from happening. Wearing a brace will help with keeping the swelling in check and will support the injured area.
Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and tendonitis can all lead to wearing a wrist brace. If you’re suffering from any pain caused by any of these medical conditions, wearing a brace can help reduce the pain and inflammation. The brace could even keep you from having to go through surgery.